College Impression # 4

It's weird to think how someone you go to college with you could end up marrying. Weird and scary.
Because let's face it, marriage is a scary thing. I once dreamed I married this girl -let's call her "Jane" - from 10th grade. We were married in my dad's tomato patch. My dogs were the witnesses. Very strange. As soon the wedding was over, I got this cold, sickish feeling in the pit of my stomach. "WHAT DID I JUST DO?" I yelled. Then I woke up and experienced the sweet, sweet relief of reality. I, at fifteen years old, was not married, thank God, and especially (ESPECIALLY) not married to "Jane."
Sometimes I wonder about love - if I'd actually be so much in love that marriage would be completely doubt free (this is a very sappy entry and it's surprising me) I don't know. Hmm.
Good night.
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It is a scary thought... But isn't it also exhilirating to know that we'll all be done with dating in hopefully ten years?
Oh, and I'm so distracted I might actually let you. : )
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