Tuesday, July 25, 2006


So, just got an iPod recently and (dum da da dum!!) made my first playlist this morning. I keep rearranging the songs, but here they are so far.
  1. "Half Light" by Athlete, Tourist
  2. "Marching Bands of Manhattan" by Death Cab for Cutie, Plans
  3. "Sweet Caroline" by Neil Diamond, The Essential Neil Diamond
  4. "Auf Achse" by Franz Ferdinand, Franz Ferdinand
  5. "Strange & Beautiful (I'll Put A Spell On You) by Aqualung, Strange & Beautiful
  6. "Caring is Creepy" by The Shins, Garden State Soundtrack
  7. "Get Rhythm" by Johnny Cash, The Legend of Johnny Cash
  8. "O Green World" by Gorillaz, Demon Days
  9. "Yellow" by Coldplay, Parachutes
  10. "Look What You've Done" by JET, Get Born
  11. "Intoxicating (Pneumatic Mix)" by David Crowder Band, Sunsets and Sushi
  12. "Come Together" by The Beatles, Abbey Road
  13. "There She Goes" by Chris Isaac, Forever Blue
  14. "Fix You" by Coldplay, X & Y
  15. "Such Great Heights" by Iron and Wine, Garden State Soundtrack
  16. "Take a Picture" by Filter, Title of Record

Monday, July 24, 2006


A couple weeks ago, I saw 3 homeless men in one day. That's some sort of record where I live because usually I don't see 2 homeless people a year. They hadn't bathed or shaven in a while; their clothes were covered in dust and dried sweat. Their eyes were dull, squinting through the 90 degree heat at nothing in particular, not even looking in the windows of the cars that passed them by. It was embarrassing for me to see them, embarrassing because I felt discomforted for them and embarrassing because I didn't want to think about them. I didn't want them to be there because of the guilty feeling that slipped through my gut.

Conservatively, I'd tell you that the guys I saw lived in predicaments of their own making. I'd also say, "Why encourage such a lifestyle by giving to them? They are not productive citizens - they live on the underbelly of society like parasites. Why can't they get a job?" This helps ease my guilt. And it makes me feel good about myself: I have a forty hour a week job for the summer and I'm going to college on scholarship next fall with two declared majors and a minor. I turn into my ambitious, driven, ruthless self. I become this person when I see people drop out of high school, or fail a class. "They have their own sorry selves to blame."

When I first saw this painting by Pat Mikrut, I didn't notice the writing on the back wall. It says "Jesus Saves" backwards. At first, it made me angry, as if the artist was making a case that Christianity, that Jesus, didn't work. But then, I wondered whether or not the artist was saying something else, criticizing the bloody hypocritical Christians like me who can say "Why encourage such a lifestyle by giving to them?"

There's a parable in the Bible about a prodigal son, a nasty, ungrateful child who grabbed his inheritance early from his father, ran away from home, partied till he had nothing, then returned home in the most abject humiliation, the lowest of lows (he was reduced to eating pig slop) to ask his father if he would recieve him back as a servant in the household. But the father saw him coming from a distance, and ran to embrace him. Instead of accepting him as a servant, he clothed him in a new robe and slaughtered his finest calf for a feast, accepting him as his son. "My Son, who once was lost, is now found"

There comes times when I see things clearly. That really, with my sins, I should be judged just as harshly as I judge others. I am no better than those homeless men I've seen - they need Jesus just as much as I do. And, as a Christian who has experienced God's mercy and love, should show mercy and love to others.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Classes (Calculus, Calculus, Calculus )

I've decided to double major in English and Political Science w/ a minor in International Studies (this all tenatively, mind). Interestingly enough, The College, being a liberal arts school, requires students to take all sorts of courses in order to give them a "taste" of knowledge across the board, so my first semester doesn't have much to do with my majors.

Monday, Wednesday, Friday: P.E. (on M & W), World Religions, Intro to Western Lit., and Calculus. (Calculus ...yeah...calculus. Not too excited about that. I didn't want to take it, but something about ACT scores...ah well. My sister M----- also attended The College and graduated with a 3.98. Guess what her one "B" was in? Calculus. Ich.)

Tuesday: Spanish I (also on Thurs.), Freshman 101, Calculus Lab

That's 15hrs - would've taken more, but freshman can't their first semester.

My adviser is also my Intro to Western Lit. teacher - he kind of injects enthusiam into the air through his presence. It's catching.

Recommend listening to the song "Such Great Heights". There are dos verisions, (like that espanol, eh? Bring on "Spanish I", baby.) one by The Postal Service (the original, I think) and one by Iron and Wine. Both are good in their own way - both sound like a completely different song. Hope you all have a wonderful night.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Bacon Sandwiches

I had a bacon sandwich for dinner. It was surprisingly satisfying. I am not hungry at all - a small miracle in itself. My sister G---- refuses to eat bacon, apparently for health reasons. I could care less. I try to eat healthy (sometimes), but I draw the line at refusing bacon.

Speaking of surprises, time really seems to get away from me lately. It's been, oh, over a month since I've last posted here. I really am trying, you know, but it's a daunting task to write regularly.