Wednesday, November 29, 2006


My roommate R------ is snoring in his top bunk behind me - he goes to bed before I do, and wakes up later. He left the television set on ESPN (mute, mind you) and fell asleep before I got back from a late night Wal-Mart run w/ M----- and K-------. We raided the donut section, choosing only the most select, the most costly, glazed cake donuts we could find, along with milk. (Not just any milk, but FAT FREE milk. We may eat donuts at 1:00 in the morning, but by golly, we're going to drink FAT FREE milk with 'em.) We sat in the top floor hallway of my dormitory and consumed them with the other late-nighters.

I highly, strongly, urgently recommend this video to you. It will change your entire mood for the better. It's a video of someone laughing and it's infectious. And while we're on media, please listen to this song, by Interpol, which my friend and hardcore running buddy K---- recommended. (We get up early in the mornings to run so yes, we are most definitely hardcore)

G----- told me today that he thinks that spirituality should have sensuality combined with it, talking with me about "Batter My Heart", by John Donne. (If you're confused about the word "sensuality" try reading the poem and it should make more sense.) We were watching Scream with a bunch of people and I wish I could have talked about it more with him. Scream, however, is not the most conducive movie for these kinds of discussions.

I hope you all have a wonderful evening - or, as the Altell directory assistance lady told me, a "happy good night".

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Master Procrastinator

I am the Master Procrastinator. Late Homework assignments bow before me. Hah.

So much to do, so much sleep to catch up on. Thank goodness for coffee.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Only Hope

"There's a song that's inside of my soul
It's the one that I've tried to write
over and over again
I'm awake and in the infinite cold
But You sing to me over and over and
over again

So I lay my head back down
And I lift my hands
And pray to be only Yours
I pray to be only Yours
I know now You're my only hope"

This is the first half of Switchfoot's song Only Hope. I listen to it when I have something pressing on my mind - and make it a prayer, by listening to it. Can you do that? Make a song a prayer by listening to it repeatedly?

Sometimes I wonder how much of my circumstances are directly coordinated by God. For instance, last week, I had a plan in my mind of something I was going to do, and God fashioned the situation so that it nudged me not to do it. I was not planning on doing anything necessarily bad, but I wondered if God was saying, gently, "Do not do this. At least, not here."

Or was it completely a coincedence (I know that's mispelled, but I do not have the initiative to correct it.)? I'm inclined not to believe so. But then, that'd be me and my beliefs.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Lazy College Days

1. No more cross country this season. I am getting out of shape, even though K---- and I run in the mornings. I feel all fluffy and generally unfit.

2. I had all A's and one B at midterm. I can possibly, (in the best of all possible worlds) make all A's, but that would require dead perfect grades on my next two Calc. tests (Hahahaha) and an A on my Western Lit finals (ehhhhhhh) But, as my friend A---- once said on her xanga, cue the "Eye of the Tiger" music and I'll set my eyes on the prize.

3. My Laundry really needs doing. But I forget and only remember at the wrong times. Fortunately, I still have a small stockpile of clothing essentials. (And yes, they are clean)

4. My glasses are broken. I rolled over on them while I slept and -pop!- the lenses came out of the frame.

5. I have not studied nearly as much as I could be, and yet I see no negative effects. I love being a freshman sometimes.

6. I feel sad sometimes when I think of the people who will graduate this school year, and the people who will graduate next year, and the people who will graduate after that, and be gone....

7. My new favorite song is "Chasing Cars" by Snow Patrol.

8. I have sworn off TV.

9. I have sworn to finish my reading list by new years.

10. I really, really, need to go finish Lit.

Monday, November 13, 2006

My Tough Luck

It's too late
to stay up but Spanish is
calling in present progressive tenses and
vacation vocabulary even though I wish I could call
someone who wouldn't mind, really wouldn't mind if I called and
explained my feelings on things that no one knows but no I don't think such a thing
,no ,
definitely not allowed........................................................................................