
- Momentary frustration-
Key word = momentary, which is a lie.
(I really should not have drank that rather large cup of coffee. Ah well)
Ever have one of those ambivalent days when on one side of the coin, life is fantastic, super, terrific, and on the other side, it is...well, not. And you don't really know what to make of it. Because it just doesn't fit. Like being happy and sad at the same time. It is very confusing and my emotions feel a little disorganized at the time being.
When my mind is not hyped by caffeine, I should be better able to elaborate on this subject.
By the way, I am not fit for "walking meditation" which we practiced today during World Religions. I most definitely tripped going up the stairs while everyone else strided away serenely. I chose this picture of the water drop because it looked serene.
And I did run seven miles today and felt like I was about to collapse at the end.
But I did make an "A" on my Calculus Quiz. I wanted to hug Dr. P-----. And then he said that we have another quiz tomorrow.
And my group did not have to give our presentation on a Jewish religious rite, which was nice, because we were not completely prepared. We thought is was due today, but it's actually due four weeks from now. Yes, I know. (We're doing a jewish burial rite. I'm going to be buried under fake rocks; we've made yarmulkes and fake rabbi beards and prayer shawls - the whole kit and caboodle)
And I am almost finished reading Dante's Inferno for West. Lit. My buddies Dante, Virgil, and I have just passed through the bolgia of the thieves who are constantly melding shapes with serpents, and the bolgia of the sowers of discord who are forever hacked apart by a demon with a sword.
And M---- and I are going to be Mario and Luigi respectively for Halloween He's going to stuff pillows down his shirt to be more plump, and since I'm tall I don't really have to worry about anything
Please accept my apologies for this post - hope you have a wonderful evening.
Photo from